Green peas paratha

Another winter delicacy prepared from fresh green peas. Goodness of wheat and fresh peas a dollop of home made butter takes this recipe to the next level. Few ingredients are given below for this dish. Try n lemme know.

Green peas- 1 cup( fresh)

Green chilli- 1 finely chopped( optional)

Wheat flour dough for 4 paratas ( medium size)

Dough: take 2 cups wheat flour. Add pin h of salt n TSP oil. Add 1/2 cup water. knead well in to soft dough. Rest it for half an hour.

Salt to taste

Red chilli powder- 1/4 TSP
Pepper powder 1/4 TSP
Cumin powder- 1/4 TSP
Coriander powder- 1/4 TSP
Oil/ ghee – 2 tbsp

Cilantro leaves handful

Butter- small piece


1. Fresh or frozen peas is good.

2. Knead flour well.

3. Cook paratha in medium flame and keep flipping for even roasted on both sides.


1. Wash green peas.

2. Pulse it in a mixer jar. Grind coarsely.

3. Heat one tbsp oil. Add ground peas. Fry for 5 minutes in low flame.

4. Add cumin powder, coriander powder, salt,chilli powder and green chillies (optional)

5. Mix well and switch off. Let it cool.., keep aside.

6. Make small balls with wheat flour dough. Stuff with green peas masala.

7. Slightly flatten it and dust with wheat flour. Roll gently rolling pin. Roll around 6 to 8 cm round parata.

8. Heat flat tawa. Gently keep on the hot griddle. Flip after half minute.

9. Drizzle oil/ ghee. Roast on both sides. Gently press while roasting for evenly cooked paratas.

10. Use ghee/ generously. Serve hot with curd n pickle. Dollop of butter on the top of it to enhance the taste.

Follow me on my Instagram page@_ananda kitchen_

8 thoughts on “Green peas paratha

  1. This looks so tasty! Love the filling of peas and spices. šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks wonderful. Green peas paratha is one of my favourite. Great preparation

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Sowmya… winter special stuffed paratha’s are worth preparing and it makes your dinner/ lunch/ breakfast a complete one.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes indeed Shyamala

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Syamala, paratha looks so crisp and peas filling is perfect for winter time breakfast!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, crispy parata and pickle is out of the world in winters. Thank you.


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